Frequently Asked Questions

We visualize two measures:

Complete vaccination coverage: the cumulative proportion of the population that has received two doses of COVID-19 vaccine, completing the vaccine regimen needed for full protection. Importantly, we consider coverage of the entire population (not just 12+ or 18+ as some states and the CDC are doing.)

We note that in the demographic visualizations, the vaccination coverage levels are a proportion of demographic group.

The geographic scope of the dashboard is the 50 US states and the District of Columbia (and does not include populations counted by the Indian Health Service, the Bureau of Prisons, the Department of Defense, or Veterans Health nor includes the territories of American Samoa, Guam, Federated States of Micronesia, Marshall Islands, Northern Mariana Islands, Puerto Rico, Republic of Palau, US Virgin Islands.)

Some states are sharing county-level data which is important for estimation of vaccine herd immunity. Other states are sharing only state-level data. We derive our county-level vaccination coverage estimates using county-level data where available. Where county-level data is not available, we assume that that the county-level vaccination coverage is homogeneous across the entire state. (We denote this in the map hover text as "Scale of data"). This assumption limits our ability to understand geographic variability in vaccine coverage. We urge more state health departments to report and share county-level public health data.

Age groups definitions vary by state, and are defined as follows by each state.

Sex/gender groups: The reporting of sex or gender varies by each state, so we cannot distinguish these groups

Racial groups are defined as follows, in accordance with the US census designations:
White = White
Black = Black or African-American
Asian = Asian
Native American = American Indian or Alaskan Native
Pacific Islander = Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander
* We note that states may vary in their definitions of these demographic groups. Additionally, many states provide counts for "Other" race, but not specify clearly who is included in this category; thus, we cannot provide coverage estimates for this category, and report these counts with the "Unknown" race counts.

The data displayed on the dashboard has been compiled from state health department websites and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, and relies partially on the compilation by the Springfield News Leader.

Population estimates necessary for normalization of vaccine count data comes from the U.S. Census Bureau 2019 American Community Survey 1-year population estimates.

  • DATA ACQUISITION: We download vaccination counts for 1+ doses and 2 doses at the county-level for those states that make the data available for download. For states not making county-level data downloadable, we webscrape vaccination counts for 1+ doses and 2 doses at the county-level for those states that are making data available in a scrapable form. For states that are not making county data available (for download or webscraping), we compile state-level 1+ dose and 2 doses data from the CDC. Most states are not providing demographic data in a downloadable or scrapeable form, so we are manually extracting those data.

  • DATA PREPARATION: We parse and clean data for all states (each of which has its own format) by county and demographic group and compile them into a uniform format. We then normalize all vaccination counts by population sizes, for the entire state, county or demographic group as necessary. For demographic groups, we also infer the proportion of data which is missing demographic information. The county-level data is updated daily, and the demographic data is updated weekly.

  • DASHBOARD: The dashboard is written in Plotly and Dash and deployed via Herokuapp.

We are including the best-available source of data for each state. Some states are not yet providing detailed (county-level, demographic-specific) vaccination data. We will update the dashboard as more data becomes available.

The website relies upon publicly available data from multiple sources that do not always agree. Discrepancies may arise due to reporting frequency or format, as well as variation in definitions of vaccination coverage.

In particular, our data differ from the data provided by the Centers for Disease Control in the following ways:
- we include data on states/counties missing in the CDC data (e.g. in Texas, California, Virginia)
- we correct erroneous population counts in the CDC data which shift the vaccination coverage
- we identify and reconcile discrepancies between the CDC data and what is reported by the state 

In the spatial (county-level) vaccination data, we assume that all individuals that are vaccinated in a given county live in that county. Thus our estimates of vaccine coverage do not accurately capture cases where individuals are vaccinated in a county other than their county of residence.

In the demographic (age-, race- and ethnicity-based) vaccination data, we aggregate different demographic groups to arrive at a consistent set of groups allowing for comparison across states. As such, we may be losing some information available through the state health departments.

This dashboard does not provide any medical guidance or vaccination recommendations. For details on your state’s vaccination plan, please consult your state health department website. Georgetown University is not responsible for the accuracy, fitness for use, and merchantability of this product.

Use of this dashboard for commercial purposes is strictly prohibited. Georgetown University is not responsible for the accuracy, fitness for use, and merchantability of this product.

For quesitons or feedback, please reach out to Dr. Shweta Bansal at shweta.bansal 'at'